Wasi, N. & Flaaen, A. (2015). Record linkage using Stata: Preprocessing, linking, and reviewing utilities. Stata Journal, 15(3): 672-697. https://doi.org/10.1177/1536867X1501500304
Sorkin, I. (2017). The Role of Firms in Gender Earnings Inequality: Evidence from the United States. American Economic Review, 107 (5): 384-87. DOI: 10.1257/aer.p20171015
Sorkin, I. (2018). Ranking Firms Using Revealed Preference. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(3): 1331-1393, 201 https://doi.org/10.1093/qje/qjy001
Boehm, C., Flaeen, A., & Pandalai-Nayar, N. (2019). Input Linkages and the Transmission of Shocks: Firm Level Evidence from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(1): 60-75. https://doi.org/10.1162/rest_a_00750
Flaaen, A., Shapiro, M. D., & Sorkin, I. (2019). Reconsidering the Consequences of Worker Displacements: Firm versus Worker Perspective. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 11(2) 193–227. https://doi.org/10.1257/mac.20170162
Patki, D., & Shapiro, M. D. (2023). Implicates as Instrumental Variables: An Approach for Estimation and Inference with Probabilistically Matched Data. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.1093/jssam/smad005
Sorkin, I., & Wallskog, M. (2023). The Slow Diffusion of Earnings Inequality. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(S1): S95-S127. https://doi.org/10.1086/726635
Working Papers
Juhn, C., & McCue, K. (2012). Workplace Characteristics and Employment of Older Workers. CES 12-31.
Flaaen, A. (2014). Multinational Firms in Context.
Hudomiet, P. (2015). Career interruptions and measurement error in annual earnings. Earlier title was “Dynamic Survey Measurement Error in Annual Earnings – The Role of Cognition, Earnings Shocks and Untaxed Earnings”.
Hudomiet, P. (2015). The role of occupation specific adaptation costs in explaining the educational gap in unemployment.
Willis, R. J., Rohwedder, S., Kezdi, G., & Hudomiet, P. (2015). Financial Knowledge, fluid intelligence, and investment decisions.
Wasi, N. et al. (2019). Employer List Linking: A Collaboration Project between the Census Bureau, University of Michigan, and Cornell University (joint with G. Gathright, A. Greene, M. Kutzbach, K. McCue, E. McEntarfer, H. Monti, A. Rodgers, K. Trageser, L. Vilhuber, & C. Wignall).
Abowd, J. M., Abramowitz, J., Levenstein, M.C., McCue, K., Patki, D., Raghunathan, T., Rodgers, A. M., Shapiro, M. D., & Wasi, N. (2019). Optimal Probabilistic Record Linkage: Best Practice for Linking Employers in Survey and Administrative Data. Working Paper 19-08, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau.
Wasi, N., Steorts, R. C., & Segal, B. NA Understanding Differences between Self-Reported and Administrative Records of Job Histories.
Wasi, N., Steorts, R. C., & Segal, B. Scalable, Imputable Empirical Bayes for Entity Resolution.
Wasi, N., & Keane, M. P. Labor Supply, Human Capital Accumulation and Retirement.
Sorkin, I., & Wallskog. M. Firms Dynamics and Earnings Inequality.
Wallskog, M. Changing Nature of Work: The Rise of Persistent Multiple Job Holding.
Wallskog, M. Aging and Aggregate Productivity: The Impact of a Changing Worker Age Distribution on the Productivity of New and Incumbent Firms.
Patki, D. Breaking the Implicit Contract: Using Pension Freezes to Study Lifetime Labor Supply. Unpublished paper, University of Michigan.